Monday, October 12, 2015

The Art of Self Compassion

One day the sun admitted,
I am just a shadow.
I wish I could show you
The infinite Incandescence
That has cast my brilliant image!

I wish I could show you
When you are lonely or in darkness,

The Astonishing Light
Of your own Being!

Hafiz • My Brilliant Image • translation by Daniel Ladinsky

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably had some agonizing experiences with self-judgment.  Sometimes it can feel like an underlying anxious mood that permeates your efforts to begin or complete a project.  Other times it might cause you to explode in an inner tirade of self-criticism, harsh and berating.  It might also hang around, as you chew on your past actions, replaying the scenes with self-effacing commentaries as you cringe with regret. 

While this might be considered a natural fall-out of being human, the tendency to be hard on yourself can easily become habitual, creating an inner atmosphere of disappointment, anger, even self-loathing resulting in the sense of being your own worst enemy. 

There’s a story about the Dali Lama being asked about this phenomenon of Self-Hatred.  He was so confused by the word that he asked for clarification.  When he finally understood what it meant, he replied, ”But, no. This is wrong. The way to relate to oneself is with self-compassion and love. You as much as anyone else in the universe are deserving of your love.”

Sounds so simple, yet why is it so difficult to follow this wise man’s advice?  One explanation has to do with the tendency to associate self-compassion with being selfish and self-indulgent as well as considering yourself to be undeserving.  The other explanation: not knowing how to go about it.  How does one “do” self-compassion?

Here are some truths about Self-Compassion that can help.  It is neither selfish nor self-indulgent.  It does not lead to narcissism or disregard for others.  And it is unconditional, independent of your deserving.   Further good news:  it is part of your true nature, one of the soul-qualities of your Authentic Self.  It is not something you need to create from scratch.

Yet it still requires practice to gain access to Self-Compassion on a regular, healthy basis.  More on this in my next blog post:  Essential Practices for Self-Compassion.